Hatsuhiko Maeda(2018-2021)
Hatsuhiko Maeda
Past President(2018-2021),
The Japanese Society of Oral Pathology

Thank you for you visiting the website of The Japanese Society of Oral Pathology. I am Hatsuhiko Maeda, the director of The Japanese Society of Oral Pathology, and I would like to introduce you to our work. At first, you might wonder what type of society would contain the word “oral”. The oral cavity is basically a space that spans from the mouth to the throat. It is where food enters the body before being chewed, swallowed, and passed to the gastrointestinal tract. In addition, the oral cavity helps regulates speech through the movement of the tongue. Various diseases can develop in the oral cavity, including periodontal disease, caries, and diseases related to tooth development. These are referred to odontogenic lesions, which occur specifically in the oral cavity. Recently, the incidence of oral cancer has increased. Additionally, various diseases developing in the oral cavity can affect the entire body. The study and diagnosis of these diseases is known as oral pathology. As stated above, oral pathology is an academic field that elucidates the pathogenesis and pathology of diseases in the oral cavity and contributes to society through the dental practice of pathological diagnosis.
The Japanese Society of Oral Pathology carries out the following, as outlined in the articles of incorporation:
- Conducts academic research, educational research, clinical and international activities in regard to oral pathology for the general public.
- Advises, supports, and cooperates with the general population.
- Aims to enlighten the public about oral pathology and promote the development and internationalization of next-generation human resources.
- Develops research, education, and clinical practice related to oral pathology in Japan.
As a result, the Japanese Society of Oral Pathology “aims to contribute to the promotion of medical welfare of the people.” To achieve this goal, we aim to perform accurate pathological diagnoses by understanding the etiology and pathology of various diseases in the oral cavity and acquiring knowledge in dental and other types of medicine based on pathology. Furthermore, The Japanese Society of Oral Pathology promotes education and research in conjunction with oral diseases to support these aims and make social contributions on the basis of treatment and improved pathological diagnoses.
As oral lesions are a part of the entire body, cooperation with medical departments and appropriate pathological diagnoses are indispensable for the treatment and prevention of oral diseases. Since 1988, the Japanese Society of Pathology has been mindful of the importance of pathology in present-day medical care. By establishing a board certification system to certify oral pathologists of outstanding ability, the Society is currently promoting the further enrichment and development of medical care in Japan and contributing to the advancement of oral pathology. Through this system, pathological diagnosis and other areas are being standardized in universities throughout the country. Currently, 153 oral pathologists have been certified.
The Society fosters superior oral pathologists and contributes to dentistry through education on oral pathologies and diagnoses. In addition, we aim to support the domestic and international development of oral pathology.
Oral pathology involves the basics of dentistry, but human resources remain limited. This problem needs to be resolved to provide improved dental treatment.
It is therefore my hope that residents will choose oral pathology as a future course.
Thank you for your consideration and support.